
Through the eyes of a 3 year old:

Well I took my 6 and 3 year old sled riding for the first time this winter since we got some snow. I learnt two things:
1) a 6 yer old is willing and able to slide down a hill without a sled,
2) The 3 year old is a screamer when on the sled and he is having fun.

I decided to let my 3 year old wear my GoPro video camera while having a sled riding adventure.

You might find it boring but I think that perspective is an interesting look on life from what I do not remember as a child

DO NOT have your speakers turned all the way up... My son screams when he is excited!!! 


Happy New Year

Well Looks like it is that time again to figure out how to write new numbers on all my paperwork and stuff.... I wonder how long it will take me this year to get it down to a science.

This year I will be putting myself on my bike more and shooting for longer distances, So I guess I will be training more often.

I will be entering into the MS 150 and doing the ride for Wheeling for Healing once again.

I will also have two different types of wine finishing up shortly.